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Welcome to the UK Walking Stick Guide

A Beginner's Guide To Using Walking Sticks When Hiking


Walking sticks are known by many other names such as trekking poles and hiking poles and they are items that not many first time hikers and backpackers typically think about too much. Most beginners just usually stay away from using walking sticks until a more experienced hiker recommends them as a way to improve their hiking holidays. 


In addition, it is common for beginner backpackers to avoid using walking sticks because they appear to be a minimalist accessory. 


This is a brief beginner's guide that will inform newbies on how to choose walking sticks, how they should be used and the benefits they can receive from making an investment in a set of walking poles. 


What Are The Advantages Of Using Walking Sticks?


These types of poles are designed to make it easier for a person to climb and descend hills much easier, especially if you are a beginner. It can be difficult for those new to trekking to know how they should climb challenging hills.


However, as you gain more experience, you will start to learn some tips and tricks that will allow you to make faster progress during your walking

holiday. The following are some of the advantages of using walking sticks. 

As mentioned above, these poles will allow you to progress on slopes and hills much faster. It can definitely be physically exhausting walking up and down hills and slopes and it is also important that you are able to do this without wasting a lot of effort and time. 

By using walking sticks, you will also place less pressure and strain on your joints. People seldom think of the potential for injury when preparing for a walking holiday. Fortunately, trekking poles alleviate pressure so you will reduce the risk of injury. 


How To Use Walking Sticks


There have been studies conducted that have concluded that whilst walking sticks are effective, it is just as important that hikers and trekkers know how to use them correctly after they have made the investment, according to Just Walking Sticks - UK & Ireland.


Even though they appear simple and basic, they are complex and can take some getting used to. This means that in order to get the results you want, you will need to make sure the walking sticks have the right tip for the environment you will be hiking in. 


Wide rubber tips are preferred for hiking in conditions that are snowy and muddy, whilst carbide tips are recommended for walking on tougher terrain. These sharp tips are also ideal when walking up a hill. 


It is also important to remember to use your shoulders to propel yourself as you walk up the hill. Even though most people find that it is easier to use their elbows, this can place some added strain on the shoulders and the elbows. 


Be sure to use walking sticks as a pair. Many trekkers only use one walking sticks during holiday, but by using both, you will have the support you need to get up and down hills. 

Walking sticks are an excellent way to get the support and comfort you need to enjoy your walking holiday. By practicing with the poles on a regular

basis, you will perfect your own unique hiking technique.

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